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There are not gems in the tusks unless they are placed there by a human as decoration , as is often done in places such as India, where the elephant is revered. Elephant ivory is unique which when viewed in cross-sections reveals criss-cross lines that form a series of diamond shapes.

The Syrian and North African elephant populations were reduced to extinction, probably due to the demand for ivory in the. The ivory is formed from the dentine of the elephant, and also from that of the hippo, the walrus, the narwhal, and the now-extinct mammoth. Elephants use their Tusks to dig for water, salt, and roots, to debark trees, and eat the, to dig into baobab trees to get at the pulp … inside, and to move trees and branches when clearing a path.

WHY DO ELEPHANTS HAVE IVORY TUSKS RIDDLES WITH ANSWERS TO SOLVE - PUZZLES & BRAIN TEASERS - Just like a human teeth, it is made of calcium and other minerals.

Feel free to use content on this page for your website or blog, we only ask that you reference content back to us. Our team works hard to help you piece fun ideas together to develop riddles based on different topics. Whether it's a class activity for school, event, scavenger hunt, puzzle assignment, your personal project or just fun in general our database serve as a tool to help you get started. Browse the list below: 5 Animals. Lets go through the question again. Hence, 1 animal rabbit is going towards the river. Every elephant saw 2 monkeys going towards the river. However, the statement does not explicitly mention that Every elephant saw 2 DIFFERENT monkeys, hence implicit rules apply and infer that the 2 monkeys are the same. Hence, correct answer is that every elephant saw 2 monkeys, and by inference, the 2 monkeys are the same, hence there exists only 2 monkeys which are going towards the river!! Finally, every monkey holds 1 parrot in their hands. Hence, 2 parrots are going towards the river. So in total, 1 rabbit, 2 monkeys and 2 parrots 5 animals are going towards the river.


Adult Male Elephants have the longest and largest tusks of all elephant species. Elephant ivory is unique which when viewed in cross-sections reveals criss-cross lines that form a series of diamond shapes. Females usually have a very small tusk or no tusk at all …. The Tusk is nothing but a teeth that has grown out of the skull. Controversy and conservation issues The use and have become controversial because they have contributed to seriously declining elephant populations in many countries. Tusks grow continuously; an adult Male's tusks grow about 18 cm 7 in a year. However, the statement does not explicitly mention that Every elephant saw 2 DIFFERENT monkeys, hence implicit rules apply and infer that the 2 monkeys are the same. The Tusk is nothing but a teeth that has grown out of the skull. In the ten years preceding a decision in 1989 by to ban international trade in African elephant ivory, the population of African elephants declined from 1. Forensic Science International 162 1 : 144—151.